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My honourable and beloved father

11149596_1440558422921362_3362234252459228247_oBy: Faizulhaque Abdul Aziz.

My honourable and beloved father, Hazrat Maulana Shaykh Abdulaziz sahib Hafizahullah, who is the most senior living student of Shaykhul Hadith Allama Nooruddin Ahmad Gohorpuri (ra) and Maulana Shaykh Fakhruddin Golmukhaponi (ra). My father was bai’at to Hazrat Maulana Lutfur Rahman Shaykhe Baruna (ra), who was the famous khalifa of Shaykhul Islam Sayyid Husain Ahmad Al Madni (ra).

My father is the chief patron of the three well know Islamic institutes in Birmingham, UK; (1) Jamia Islamia Birmingham, which is the full time Islamic school and madrasa, provides education up to graduation level (Dawra-e Hadith) where six authentic books of Ahadith are taught (2) Birmingham Muslim Foundation, which is an unique Islamic institute provides multiple services to community (3) He is the president of Jamia Qur’ania trust, which manages Shahjalal Masjid, one of the oldest masjid in Saltley, Birmingham. He has the honour of being the founder principal of Darul Uloom Sunapur, Balagonj, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He was also the local chairman of the Bualjur UP in Balagonj, Sylhet.

Alhamdulillah my father is blessed with a big family. All his sons are ulama. His sons in laws are ulama. Many of his grand sons and grand daughters are ulama /huffaz and alimas. Grand daughters husbands are ulama. Recently his great grand daughters also started to become alimas, one of them just got married to an alim last month.
With the grace of Allah almighty, my father is 87yrs old and still fit enough and performs all his salah in congregation in the local Masjid.

Some of the comments made by the senior scholars about my father;

(1) Shaykhul Hadith Allama Azizulhaq Sahib (ra), ” I felt spiritually content after meeting Maulana Abdulaziz sahib”.
(2) Shaykhul Hadith Allama Nooruddin Ahmad Sahib Gohorpuri (ra), “Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib is my senior student, everyone be in touch with him in my absence”.
(3) Maulana Fakhruddin Sahib Golmukhaponi (ra), “Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib is my first student at Darus Sunnah Golmukhapon Madrasa”.
(4) Maulana Ashraf Ali Sahib Bishwanati (ra), “Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib is the pioneer person of our Maslak in England”.
(5) Maulana Obaidulhaq Sahib Uzirpuri (ra), “Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib is blessed with pious children”.
(6) Maulana Giasuddin Peer Sahib Balia (ra), “Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib is a very lucky person, he is one of my senior student”.
(7) Maulana Abdulaziz sahib Dayamiri (ra), “Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib is one of my best friend”.
(8) Maulana Muhiuddin Khan Sahib, “I have tried several times to compete with Maulana Abdulaziz sahib in good deeds but every time he was the winner”.
(9) Maulana Shaykh Ziauddin Sahib, “Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib is one of the accepted servants of Allah almighty”.
(10) Hazrat Maulana Khalilur Rahman Sahib Boruni, ” Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib was very close to my father Maulana Lutfur Rahman Sahib Shaykhe Baruni (ra)”.
(11) Principal Maulana Habibur Rahman Sahib, “Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib is gifted with the bounties because of his cries at Tahajjud prayers”.
(12) Maulana Mukhlisur Rahman Sahib Qiyampuri, “If Maulana Abdulaziz sahib was to go to Siberia he would open a Madrasa there”
(13) Maulana Husain Ahmad Sahib Omarpuri (ra), “One warning of Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib has made me a Khateeb (lecturer)”.
(14) Maulana Nizamuddin Sahib (ra), “Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib is one of our living Buzurg”(spiritual senior person)”.
(15) Maulana Abdul Salam Sahib Juri, ” I consider Maulana Abdulaziz Sahib amongst those pious people who will intercede for me on the day of Judgement Inshaa Allah”.
May Allah almighty grant him a long life with Iman and good health and preserve him to benefit the ummah.

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About Islam Tajul


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