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কমাশিসা পরিবারবিজ্ঞাপন কর্নারযোগাযোগ । সময়ঃ সকাল ১০:১৭
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Virtues of the First 10 Days of “Dhul-Hijja”

By: Mufty Lutfur Rahman Qasimy

Holy KabaThe Prophet (PBUH) said, “There is no deed that is better in the sight of Allah or more greatly rewarded than a good deed done in the (first) ten days of Al-Adha”. It was asked, “Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah?” The Prophet (PBUH) replied, “Not even Jihad for the sake of Allah, unless a man goes out himself for Jihad taking his wealth with him and does not come back with anything.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari. The following are some good actions that will help us gain the reward from Allah (SWT) Hajj1.Perform Umrah & Hajj (Pilgrimage) 2. Fast all nine days and especially on the ‘Day of Arafah’ The Prophet peace be up on him, pbuh used to fast on the ninth day of Dhul-Hijja and he said: “Fasting the Day of ‘Arafah (ninth Dhul-Hijja) is an expiation for (all the sins of) the previous year and expiation for (all the sins of) the coming year.” (Muslim) 3. Perform Dhikr and Takbeer Beginning from the Fajr of the 9th Zulhijjah up to the ‘Asr prayer of the 13th, it isobligatory on each Muslim to recite the Takbir of Tashreeq after every fard prayer in the following words. “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha Illallahu, Wallahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahilhamd.”(There is no God but Allah and Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest and to Allah belongs all praise.) Whether one is performing salah with Jama’ah (collectively) or on one’s own (individually) makes no difference, one should recite the Takbir. However, male Muslims should recite it in a loud voice, while females should recite it in a low voice. The Prophet peace be up on him, pbuh said: “There are no days on which good deeds are greater or more beloved to Allah than on these ten days, so recite much Tahleel (saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allah), Takbeer (saying Allahu Akbar) and Tahmeed (saying Alhamdu Lillaah).” (Ahmad -Saheeh) 4. Stand the Night in Prayer 5. Make Sincere Repentance 6. Return to Book of Allah (The Quran) 7. Increase in doing ALL good deeds 8. Thank Allah 9. Attend Eid prayers Attending Eid prayers is from the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet peace be up on him, pbuh. We should be keen on practicing this Sunnah and performing it according to the teachings of our Prophet peace be up on him, pbuh. Eid is a time of joy and happiness and we should be inclusive of all of our brothers and sisters who may not be as fortunate to have enough to enjoy this blessed occasion. 10. Slaughter an animal and distribute the meat (Sacrifice) Ibn Umar said: “The Prophet peace be up on him, pbuh lived in Madeenah for ten years and every year he slaughtered an animal.” (Ahmad)

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