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Having Siblings

Nashita Bint Tajul Islam

12023151_512524018910053_1910828925_nI have a sibling called Muhammad, he’s going to be 2 on September 21st. I’m shocked, happy and sad. All the emotions at the same time, why? I’m shocked because time flew bye and I haven’t even noticed, happy because he knows his Arabic and English alphabet and he’s nearly 2! But I’m sad as well, Muhammad has grown so much, I miss him being a small baby. When he was born I wanted him to grow up but what happened now? I want him to be a younger baby. It’s a bit funny don’t you think? We have fights sometimes, but that’s what baby brothers (maybe sisters) do.12016647_512524038910051_1265998601_n

He gets angry if I don’t let him do what he wants, (that’s normally why we have small fights). We have to teach respect so your sibling will learn from you, because whatever you do he/she copy’s and learns to do it. That’s why you should respect, not just respect but do the right thing, because when your sibling grows to an age of understanding, he/she might-still be naughty (if the older sibling did anything that he/she will learn from). But if you did the right action the young one might also still do the good action which he/she learnt from. Siblings are fun but you have to take big responsibilities for the present and the future.

About Islam Tajul


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