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Netanyahu: Muslims are “dangerous animals”


PNN/ Bethlehem/

During the international conference in Occupied Jerusalem with the French Ambassador, the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu described Muslims as “animals”  who need to be defeated. According to Israel Hayom daily, Netanyahu made this statement during the foreign diplomats conference, tackling last week’s attacks on France.

Referring to Muslims as “dangerous animals,” Netanyahu also said that there were a lot of them in [Israel], adding that the world needs to understand the seriousness of the problem, indicating the need to “defeat these animals.”

“The beasts increasingly have a name — it is radical Islam. That is what is doing the killing, the murder, the rape, the burning, the beheading.

A day before, the Israeli minister of Education, MK Naftali Bennett said that “[Israel] should have killed more [Arabs] because anyone who lifts a hand against Israel must die.”

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