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Home / খোলা জানালা / Teacher’s Guidelines for Juz Amma

Teacher’s Guidelines for Juz Amma

Nufais Ahmed Borkot Puri

nufaiceTeacher’s Guidelines for Juz Amma.

1-Teacher should make sure that students read every Aayat (verse) in one stretch without breaking words and sentence unless it’s too long. Also they should know how to continue if they have to stop in midst of a verse.

2-Rules of long and short must be followed.

3-Teacher needs to make sure that students are following Tajweed rules most particularly غُنَّة and تفخيم and ترقيق of The word ‘Allah’ and letter ر.

4-Teacher ensure that students are following the وقف rules properly.

5-They should not be allowed to go to the next level unless they have competed their current lesson properly; They should be able to read every lesson without struggle and hesitation

6- They should read each Surah a day till the end of the book.

7- When a student will come to Surah Zilzaal then He/She will start Memorising Suarahs from beginning. Therefore the students will give two tests every day; 1- Reading task which will be continuing from Zilzaal to onward. 2- Memories one Surahs from Al Fatihah.

8-The teacher will take the memorising test first then then reading test.

9-Teacher should give them very clear target in every lesson to meet.

10-To encourage the students teacher may take advantage of giving them the following awards or certificates:

2-Good attendance.
3-Excellent or Good behaviour.
4-Stat of the week.
5-Star of The month.
6-First in the group to complete Qaidah
7-Completion certificate.
8-Met the target.

11- Teacher should always try to make them understand the lesson rather then memories.

12-Teacher try to build a good trust among pupils that he is here to help and support them and make their lessons easy for them rather than force a task on them.

13-Teacher needs to ensure that the student finish with 50 active days if there is no any extreme reason occurs.

14-Teacher should praise students in front of others, especially before their parents for their good efforts, give hope to those are weak.

15-Teacher must explain very clearly and convince the students if he has take any strict step; why did he take? And how does it benefit them? So that they don’t consider him as a rude or harsh teacher.11696026_768424693267301_8764542396933177359_n

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