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Islamic Dress Code (female & male)

Nashita Bint Tajul Islam::

Hafiza Maryam

When a female becomes mature, she should wear the hijab. The hijab is a loose cloth to wrap around the head and the upper body. It is fard to wear a hijab in front of all men except those who are blood related to you: your father, uncles, grandfathers and brothers.

Girls should be aware when they dress-up. They should avoid wearing tight clothes and see-through clothing’s. It is sinful to show the awrah at anytime. Therefore, girls should be extra careful when doing such activities such as sports. If girls are amongst other girls, they should not cover the parts between their navels and knees.

It is permissible for girls to wear gold jewellery make-up and silk. However, if a female wears make-up she should still be able to perform wudu- some products prevent water coming on to parts if the body that you do wudu with.

Islamic dress code (male)

Males are not allowed to wear jewellery created from gold or anything made from silk. They are allowed to wear a silver ring if they wish to.

If boys wear shorts then the knees must not be uncovered, as they are part of the awrah. Similarly, when wearing long clothing or long trousers, males must make sure that it should not be hanging below their ankles out of showing off, because the prophet (S.A.W) said, “ The portion beneath one’s ankles that is covered by the lower garment will be in the fire.

About Islam Tajul


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