শনিবার, ২৭শে এপ্রিল, ২০২৪ ইং
কমাশিসা পরিবারবিজ্ঞাপন কর্নারযোগাযোগ । সময়ঃ সকাল ৬:৩২
Home / এশিয়া / India is a racist country
This Hindu extremist are throwing cow meat at the temple to blame the Muslim while wearing hjab

India is a racist country

Billah Abujarah:

This Hindu extremist are throwing cow meat at the temple to blame the Muslim while wearing hjab
This Hindu extremist are throwing cow meat at the temple to blame the Muslim while wearing hijab …

Indian filthiest government has failed to provide basic human rights for the minority residents.

In India there is not equality in social justice nor social securities to minor communities people.In the name of social justice,securities and democraticy they are praying roles of hypocrisy with minor communites specially with Muslim community;

Recently social medias,Print medias are published Indian Muslims are being oppressed and killed unjustly and socially being insalted publiclly due to observing religious duty by obeying commandment Of almighty ALlah, Now days we also can see innocent Muslims are being affected by filthy aggressive criminals Hindus front of the laws infource agencies, no one is coming to protect them.it is completely unacceptable.

we strongly condemned this unacceptable discriminatory Situation;

We are calling international authorities to come forward to stop and take action against such a inhuman activities to save minority community in the filthiest India and bring the criminals under the laws and by putting them in trial;

About Islam Tajul


এটাও পড়তে পারেন

আওয়ামী লীগের সাবেক সাংসদ গোলাম মাওলা রনির বিএনপিতে যোগদান

কমাশিসা ডেস্ক: বিএনপিতে যোগ দিলেন আওয়ামী লীগের সাবেক সাংসদ গোলাম মওলা রনি। সোমবার (২৬ নভেম্বর) সন্ধ্যায় গুলশানে বিএনপি চেয়ারপারসন ...