বৃহস্পতিবার, ১০ই অক্টোবর, ২০২৪ ইং
কমাশিসা পরিবারবিজ্ঞাপন কর্নারযোগাযোগ । সময়ঃ দুপুর ২:৫৪
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Quranic DUAs

Quranic DUAs The following are select DUAs from the Quran. Source: Surah Fateha (1 – 7) 1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful 2. All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists). 3. The ...


My honourable and beloved father

By: Faizulhaque Abdul Aziz. My honourable and beloved father, Hazrat Maulana Shaykh Abdulaziz sahib Hafizahullah, who is the most senior living student of Shaykhul Hadith Allama Nooruddin Ahmad Gohorpuri (ra) and Maulana Shaykh Fakhruddin Golmukhaponi (ra). My father was bai’at to Hazrat Maulana Lutfur Rahman Shaykhe Baruna (ra), who was ...


12-Year-Old Girl Gets Perfect Mensa IQ Test Score

A 12-year-old from Colchester has aced the Mensa IQ Test, achieving a perfect score of 162 – the maximum for under 18s. Lydia Sebastian’s touch of genius means she has joined the ranks of physicist Stephen Hawking, who reportedly achieved around 160, although he has never officially revealed his score. ...
