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Set out on the special journey

Shaikh Shafi Chowdhury

887477_10151299363002204_1616012700_oSet out on the special journey, with my loved ones behind me but the greatest object of all of our love ahead. I sincerely seek your forgiveness for my many shortcomings. Please pray Allah forgives me and us all and accepts our attendance, guides our steps, and only sends us back while He is pleased with us. iA I will pray for you during tawaf of the Sacred House, in Arafat and throughout. Stay good and blessed people and remember, these are the holiest of days for everyone so seek Him in them; how gracious He is to His seekers!

أستودعكم الله الذي لا تضيع ودائعه
In God’s care, in Whose care nothing is allowed to perish.892208_10151593078360127_789590908_o

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